FST  openfst-1.8.3
OpenFst Library
fst::RealWeightTpl< T > Member List

This is the complete list of members for fst::RealWeightTpl< T >, including all inherited members.

FloatWeightTpl() noexcept=defaultfst::FloatWeightTpl< T >
FloatWeightTpl(T f)fst::FloatWeightTpl< T >inline
GetPrecisionString()fst::FloatWeightTpl< T >inlineprotectedstatic
Hash() const fst::FloatWeightTpl< T >inline
Limits typedeffst::RealWeightTpl< T >
Member() const fst::RealWeightTpl< T >inline
NoWeight()fst::RealWeightTpl< T >inlinestatic
One()fst::RealWeightTpl< T >inlinestatic
Properties()fst::RealWeightTpl< T >inlinestatic
Quantize(float delta=kDelta) const fst::RealWeightTpl< T >inline
Read(std::istream &strm)fst::FloatWeightTpl< T >inline
RealWeightTpl() noexceptfst::RealWeightTpl< T >inline
RealWeightTpl(T f)fst::RealWeightTpl< T >inline
Reverse() const fst::RealWeightTpl< T >inline
ReverseWeight typedeffst::RealWeightTpl< T >
SetValue(const T &f)fst::FloatWeightTpl< T >inlineprotected
Type()fst::RealWeightTpl< T >inlinestatic
Value() const fst::FloatWeightTpl< T >inline
ValueType typedeffst::FloatWeightTpl< T >
Write(std::ostream &strm) const fst::FloatWeightTpl< T >inline
Zero()fst::RealWeightTpl< T >inlinestatic