Recent Changes in FST Web retrieved at 17:37 (GMT)

Determinize Description This operation determinizes a weighted transducer. The result will be an equivalent FST that has the property that no state has two transitions...
Minimize Description This operation performs the minimization of deterministic weighted automata and transducers. If the input FST A is an automaton (acceptor)...
Verify Description This operation checks the sanity of a FST`s contents. It returns false if the transducer is incomplete or ill formed (e.g., a non trivial FST...
Union Description This operation computes the union ( sum ) of two FSTs. If A transduces string x to y with weight a and B transduces string w to v...
Topsort Description This operation topologically sorts its input if acyclic, modifying it. Otherwise, the input is unchanged. When sorted, all transitions are from...
Synchronize Description This operation synchronizes a transducer. The result will be an equivalent FST that has the property that during the traversal of a path,...
StateMap Description This operation transforms each state in the input FST. The transformation is specified by a function object called a state mapper . For instance...
ShortestPath Description This operation produces an FST containing the n shortest paths in the input FST. The n shortest paths are the n lowest weight paths...
RmEpsilon Description This operation removes epsilon transitions (when both the input and output label are an epsilon) from a transducer. The result will be an equivalent...

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