OpenFst Advanced Usage Below are a variety of topics covered in greater depth or of more specialized interest than found in the Quick Tour. Reading the Quick...
OpenFst Background Material The following material is provided as background reading about finite state transducers. However, it is not necessary to read this...
OpenFst Conventions The OpenFst Libary has various conventions and assumptions about its objects and coding style. Object Conventions 1. The StateIds...
Efficiency By reading the Quick Tour and Conventions and working through the examples, users typically can create correct implementations of applications. What...
OpenFst Examples Reading the quick tour first is recommended. That includes a simple example of FST application using either the C template level or the shell...
OpenFst Extensions The following extensions to OpenFst are available. These are built only if the configure flags are provided as below. Also provided are...
OpenFst Glossary $ acceptor : An acceptor is a finite automaton where each transition has a label and possibly a weight. In this library, an acceptor is represented...
OpenFst Quick Tour Below is a brief tutorial on the OpenFst library. After reading this, you may wish to browse the Advanced Usage topic for greater detail...
SLT 2010 Tutorial Part I: Library Design and Use Part II: Applications Presented at SLT...
FST Weight Requirements A semiring is specified by two binary operations and and two designated elements 0 and 1 with the following properties: : associative...