Multi-Pushdown Transducer Library (MPDTs)

The multi-pushdown transducer (MPDT) extension extends the Pushdown Transducer Library extension to allow for multiple stacks. As with the PDT extension, an MPDT is encoded as an FST where some transitions are labeled with open or close parentheses, with each mated pair of parentheses being assigned to one of the stacks. To be interpreted as an MPDT, parentheses within a stack must balance on a path.

configure include
--enable-mpdt (coming soon) <fst/extensions/mpdt/mpdtlib.h>

An MPDT is encoded as an FST where some transitions are labeled with open or close parentheses, with each mated pair of parentheses being assigned to one of the stacks. To be interpreted as an MPDT, parentheses within a stack must balance on a path. The subset of the transducer labels that correspond to parenthesis (open, closed) pairs is designated from the C++-library in a vector<pair<Label, Label>>, and the assignments are given as a correponding vector<typename Arc::Label>. From the command line the parentheses and assignments are passed from a file of lines of label pairs, with a third column showing the stack affiliation (in a 1-based enumeration) of each pair (using the flag --mpdt_parentheses).

The implementation supports multiple stacks, but the library only exposes two stacks. In addition there are three push-pop disciplines, READ_RESTRICT, WRITE_RESTRICT, NO_RESTRICT. With READ_RESTRICT, one can only read (i.e. pop) from the first empty stack. So if the first stack is not empty, one can continue to write (push) to the second stack, but one cannot pop. With WRITE_RESTRICT, one can only write (i.e. push) to the first empty stack. With NO_RESTRICT, as the name implies, there are no restrictions on read-write operations. Note that a NO_RESTRICT machine is Turing-equivalent. The default configuration is READ_RESTRICT.

The following operations, many which have FST analogues (but are distinguished in C++ by having a vector<pair<Label, Label>> parenthesis pair argument), are provided for MPDTs:

Operation Usage Description Complexity
Compose Compose(a_pdt, parens, b_fst, &c_pdt); compose an MPDT and an FST with MPDT result (Bar-Hillel) Same as FST composition
  Compose(a_fst, b_mpdt, parens, assignments, &c_mpdt);    
  mpdtcompose -mpdt_parentheses=mpdt.parens a.mpdt b.fst >c.mpdt    
  mpdtcompose -mpdt_parentheses=mpdt.parens -left_mpdt=false a.fst b.mpdt >c.mpdt    
Expand Expand(a_mpdt, parens, assignments, &b_fst); expands a (bounded-stack) MPDT as an FST Time, Space: O(eO(V + E)) for the default 2-stack read-restrict configuration
  mpdtexpand -mpdt_parentheses=mpdt.parens a.mpdt >b.fst    
Info mpdtinfo -mpdt_parentheses=mpdt.parens a.mpdt prints out information about an MPDT  
Reverse Reverse(a_mpdt, parens, &b_mpdt); reverses an MPDT; also reverses the stack assignments Time, Space: O(V + E)
  mpdtreverse -mpdt_parentheses=mpdt.parens a.mpdt >b.mpdt    

There are also delayed versions of these algorithms where possible. See the header files for additional information including options. Note with this FST-based representation of MPDTs, many FST operations (e.g., Concat, Closure, Rmepsilon, Union) work equally well on MPDTs as FSTs.

As an example of this representation and these algorithms, consider an MPDT that implements the ww copy language over the alphabet {1, 2}.

fstcompile >mpdt.fst <<EOF
0   1   1   1
0   2   2   2
0   3   0   0
1   0   3   3
2   0   4   4
3   4   5   5
3   5   6   6
3   6   0   0
4   3   7   7
5   3   8   8
6   7   0   1
6   8   0   2
7   6   9   9
8   6   10   10

with parentheses:

cat >mpdt.parens <<EOF
3   5   1
4   6   1
7   9   2
8   10   2

and input:

fstcompile >input.fst <<EOF
0   1   1   1
1   2   2   2
2   3   2   2
3   4   2   2
4   5   2   2
5   6   1   1
6   7   1   1
7   8   2   2
8   9   2   2

Then the following pipeline:

mpdtcompose --left_mpdt=false --mpdt_parentheses=parens input.fst redup.fst | 
mpdtexpand --mpdt_parentheses=parens | 
fstproject --project_output | 
fstrmepsilon | 
fsttopsort | 
fstprint --acceptor
will produce the following output:

0   1   1
1   2   2
2   3   2
3   4   2
4   5   2
5   6   1
6   7   1
7   8   2
8   9   2
9   10   1          # Copy starts here
10   11   2
11   12   2
12   13   2
13   14   2
14   15   1
15   16   1
16   17   2
17   18   2
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