Multi Pushdown Transducer Library (MPDTs) The multi pushdown transducer (MPDT) extension extends the Transducer Library extension to allow for multiple stacks. As...
Pushdown Transducer Library (PDTs) This is a push down transducer (PDT) extension of the OpenFst library. A PDT is encoded as an FST, where some transitions are labeled...
OpenFst Glossary $ acceptor : An acceptor is a finite automaton where each transition has a label and possibly a weight. In this library, an acceptor is represented...
FST Weight Requirements A semiring is specified by two binary operations and and two designated elements 0 and 1 with the following properties: : associative...
Last Published Publisher CyrilAllauzen Date 30 Apr 2009 19:29 {PublishContrib}{Dir} /var/www/twiki/pub/publish/ {PublishContrib}{URL} http://mohri lt.cs.nyu...
SLT 2010 Tutorial Part I: Library Design and Use Part II: Applications Presented at SLT...
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