OpenFst Forum You need to be a registered user to participate in the discussions. ` else ` or Register` You can start a new discussion here: You can use the formatting...
OpenGrm Thrax Forum You need to be a registered user to participate in the discussions. ` else ` or Register` You can start a new discussion here: You can use the...
OpenGrm NGram Forum You need to be a registered user to participate in the discussions. ` else ` or Register` You can start a new discussion here: You can use the...
OpenFst Forum 2018 Archive Unknown FST type `vector` (arc type `standard`) BruceLin 2018 12 25 01:43 when I run fstarcsort sort type olabel my in.fst my...
OpenFst Forum 2017 Archive KyleGorman 2017 11 21 11:53 There`s no guarantee that an FST type will have a precomputed arc array, so I`d just do something like...
OpenFst Forum 2016 Archive KyleGorman 2016 10 11 18:52 This returns a pointer, not a reference, now, simply for cross API consistency (other functions of the...
OpenFst Forum 2015 Archive converting standard lattice format into and FST file MuhammadSalem 2015 11 11 08:11 Hi i have Standard lattice format files, and...
OpenFst Forum 2014 Archive Using LabelLookAheadMatcher on input fst and PhiMatcher on output fst in LookAheadComposeFilter OliverW 2014 12 10 16:19 Hi, I...
OpenFst Forum 2013 Archive Infinity weight in compiled fst HuanliangWang 30 Dec 2013 23:45 I get Infinity weight in final state when I compile a text fsm by...
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OpenFst Forum 2012 Archive Use .fst Files LadyFumi 07 Dec 2012 09:52 Hello, I would like to know how open a FST File, for example, I will use fstcompose (I...
OpenFst Forum 2007 Archive Newbie question: compiling a C program using the OpenFst library This is a newbie question about how to successfully compile a C program...
OpenFst Forum 2009 Archive Finding n shortest paths NewUser 29 Dec 2009 16:44 I was wondering what is the best way to go about finding n shortest paths in...
OpenFst Forum 2010 Archive On the fly composition GavrilovichSimonov 29 Dec 2010 09:39 Hi, I use OpenFst to build an OCR system In the workflow, I compose two...
OpenFst Forum 2008 Archive Patch for GNU autotools including libtool for OpenFst 20080422 DavidShao 28 Dec 2008 00:41 I have been developing patches to enable...
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