Path iteration

This describes classes for iterating over paths in an FST.


This template class provides a basic iterator over paths. It is constructed from a const Fst & and an optional argument that specifies whether or not the FST should be checked for acyclicity during construction.

The ILabels() and OLabels() methods return vectors of input and output labels (respectively) of the current path, and the Weight() method returns the weight of the current path.

This iterator:

  • is advanced using the Next() method,
  • is exhausted once the Done() returns true,
  • is reset using the Reset() method, and
  • signals an error using the Error() method.

The acyclity check should only be disabled when the caller can ensure finite iteration (e.g., by knowing the FST is acyclic, or limiting the number of iterated paths).


This template class is a thin wrapper around fst::PathIterator which adds IString() and OString() methods returning input and output strings. These methods use the same string printing methods as fst::PrintString and the printing mode is controlled by the enum fst::StringTokenType (see here for more information).

At construction time, users specify printing modes and/or symbol tables for the input and output sides of the FST, and whether or not the FST should be checked for acyclity.

This iterator:

  • is advanced using the Next() method,
  • is exhausted once the Done() returns true,
  • is reset using the Reset() method, and
  • signals an error using the Error() method.

The acyclity check should only be disabled when the caller can ensure finite iteration (e.g., by knowing the FST is acyclic, or limiting the number of iterated paths).


Pynini wraps fst::script::StringPathIteratorClass with the Python class StringPathIterator. As in C++, this object can be constructed directly from an FST argument, or it can be constructed using the paths() method of an (acyclic) pynini.Fst instance.

Both construction methods take token types for both input- and output sides; for the SYMBOL token type, simply provide a pynini.SymbolTable argument.

This class provides the normal iterator methods (next(), done(), reset(), and error()), the accessor methods (ilabels(), istring(), olabels(), ostring(), weight()), and speciality iterators (istrings(), ostrings(), and weights(); items() returns triples of input string, output string, and weight).

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Topic revision: r5 - 2018-10-16 - KyleGorman
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