Operation | Usage | Description | Complexity |
Approx | Approx(ifst, &backoff_fst, phi_label, delta) | approximates a normalized stochastic FST wrt a provided backoff-complete FST | same as ShortestDistance![]() |
sfstapprox[--phi_label=$l][--delta=$d] in.fst backoff.fst out.fst | |||
Count | Counter counter.Count(infst) |
counts from stochastic FST wrt to a provided backoff-complete FST | same as ShortestDistance![]() |
sfstcount [--phi_label=$l] in.fst top.fst out.fst | |||
CountNormalize | CountNormalize(&fst) | normalizes a count FST (e.g. as output by Count()) | Time: O(sE) where s is max iterations per state, Space: O(V) |
sfstnormalize -method={kl_min,summed} [--phi_label=$l] in.fst out.fst | |||
GlobalNormalize | GlobalNormalize(&fst, phi_label, delta) | globally normalizes, when possible1, a canonical weighted FST preserving total path weights (up to a global constant) | same as ShortestDistance![]() |
sfstnormalize [--method=global] [--phi_label=$l][--delta=$d] in.fst out.fst | |||
Info | sfstinfo [--phi_label=$l] in.fst | prints out information about a stochastic FST | Time, Space: O(V + E * max-phi-order) |
Intersect | Intersect(ifst1, ifst2, &ofst, phi_label, trim) | intersects FSAs in the presence of failure transitions | Time2: O(E1V2(max-label-multiplicity2 + max-phi-order2 log(max-out-degree2)) |
sfstintersect [--trim] [--phi_label=$l] in1.fst in2.fst out.fst | |||
IsCanonical | IsCanonical(fst, phi_label) | checks the second property here holds for a weighted FST | Time, Space: O(V + E) |
IsNormalized | IsNormalized(fst, phi_label, delta) | checks the two properties here hold for a weighted FST | Time, Space: O(V + E) |
LocalNormalize | LocalNormalize(&fst) | locally normalizes, when possible, a canonical weighted FST preserving each state's out-going arc weights up to a state-specific constant | Time, Space: O(V + E) |
sfstnormalize -method=local [--phi_label=$l] in.fst out.fst | |||
NGramApprox | NGramApprox(ifst, &ofst, order, phi_label, delta) | approximates a normalized stochastic FST as an n-gram model (having phi_labels in OpenGrm NGram format) |
same as ShortestDistance![]() |
sfstngramapprox [--order=$o][--phi_label=$l][--delta=$d] in.fst out.fst | |||
Perplexity | Perplexity perp(qfst, phi_label, unknown_label) [perp.SetTarget(pfst)] perp.GetPerplexity() |
computes self/cross perplexity for stochastic FSTs | same as ShortestDistance![]() |
sfstperplexity [--phi_label=$l] [--unknown_label=$u] q.fst [p.{fst,far}] | (p.far is in FST archive![]() |
PhiNormalize | PhiNormalize(&fst, phi_label) | normalizes, when possible, a canonical weighted FST by only modifying the failure transitions | Time, Space: O(V + E) |
sfstnormalize --method=phi [--phi_label=$l][--delta=$d] in.fst out.fst | |||
RandGen | fst::RandGen(ifst, &ofst, fst::RandGenOptions<SFstArcSelector |
randomly generates paths in a stochastic FST (correctly dealing with failure transitions) | see RandGen![]() |
sfstrandgen [--phi_label=$l] [--max_length=$l] [--npath=$n] [--seed=$s] in.fst out.fst | |||
ShortestDistance | ShortestDistance(fst, &distance, phi_label, reverse, delta) | computes the shortest distance in the presence of failure transitions | same as ShortestDistance![]() |
sfstshorttestdistance [--phi_label=$l][--reversse][--delta=$d] in.fst | |||
Topology | sfstopology [--method=ngram] [--phi_label=$l] in.fst out.fst | algorithms for constructing specific FST topologies | Time, Space: O(V + E) |
Trim | Trim(&fst, phi_label) | removes useless states and transitions in stochastic automata (irrespective of weights) | Time, Space: O(V + E * max-phi-order) |
sfsttrim[- -phi_label=$l] in.fst out.fst |