OpenGrm Thrax Grammar Compiler

The OpenGrm Thrax Grammar Compiler is a set of tools for compiling grammars expressed as regular expressions and context-dependent rewrite rules into weighted finite-state transducers using the OpenFst format.

As a starting point we recommend taking a look at the sample grammar provided with the distribution, which will be installed in /usr/local/share/thrax/grammars. Copy the contents of that directory to a directory where you have write permissions and in that directory do the following:

$ thraxmakedep example.grm
$ make

This will build an FST archive (far) from the grammar called "example.far". You can test the grammar as follows:

$ thraxrewrite-tester --far=example.far --rules=TOKENIZER
Input string: Well, I can't eat muffins in an agitated manner. 
Output string: Well , I ca n't eat muffins in an agitated manner .
Input string: Mr. Ernest Worthing, B. 4, The Albany.
Output string: Mr. Ernest Worthing , B. four , The Albany .
Input string: Lieutenant 1840,
Output string: Lieutenant eighteen forty ,
Input string: Uncle Jack!
Output string: Uncle Ernest !

The comments in example.grm give an introduction to many of the features in the toolkit.

thraxmakedep takes as optional arguments --save_symbols and --arc_type, which are passed to thraxcompiler.

If --save_symbols is set, symbol tables will be saved with all FSTs and carried along with the compilation process. The symbol table is chosen based on the parse modes of the individual strings that are used to compile the FSTs (see below): the symbol table will either be a byte symbol table, a utf8 symbol table or a user-supplied symbol table. This can be useful if one wants to extract the FSTs from the fars and display them using fstprint or fstdraw. If you use this option however, be forewarned of the following points:

  • If symbol tables are used in the compilation of one file in a multi-file grammar, then symbol tables must be used in all files in the grammar. thraxmakedep will create the Makefile appropriately to do this, but if you change your mind and rebuild, you may find that some of the fars lack symbol tables: remove them and recompile in that case.
  • Various FST operations, by default, require symbol tables to match. So if you build FSTs with symbol tables, that means that there is a chance you'll get it wrong, something will mismatch, and the compilation will fail with an error message about mismatched symbol tables. This is usually a good thing: without symbol tables, things may blindly work, but you'll get possibly meaningless results.
  • Certain operations do not make sense unless symbol tables are consistent across the various pieces going into the operation. It is okay, for example, to use the Rewrite function with a input and output acceptors that have mismatched symbol tables: you might map a string compiled in byte mode to a string compiled in utf8 mode, for example. The same goes for StringFile. However, it makes no sense if the input and output of the rewrite have mismatched symbol tables in CDRewrite: this is because CDRewrite rewrites portions of the input in a context-dependent fashion, and it would be nonsensical to leave the output in an intermediate state where portions of it are in the input symbol set and other portions of it are in the output symbol set.
  • If you compile strings in byte mode, then Unicode symbols beyond the ASCII range will be split up into sequences of bytes. As a corollary, one should not expect to be able to display such FSTs in a particularly human-friendly way: symbols that do not fall in the printable ASCII range will be displayed as hex codes.
  • thraxrewrite-tester can handle fars containing FSTs with symbol tables, but the parse mode for the strings you pass as input to thraxrewrite-tester must match what's expected in the FSTs: thus if you compile the FSTs in utf8 mode and save the symbol table, the --input_mode for thraxrewrite-tester should also be utf8.
  • All of this persnickety behavior can be turned off with by setting --fst_compat_symbols to false, but that defeats the purpose of saving symbol tables.

The flag --arc_type supports the same arc types --- standard (tropical), log and log64 --- as in the OpenFst library. For most purposes you will want the default tropical semiring, so you should probably not use this flag too often. Note that thraxrewrite-tester will only work if the grammar has been compiled with standard arcs.

The --rules flag to thraxrewrite-tester allows one to specify a comma-separated list of one or more rules. These rules are composed with the input in sequence.

If you have GNU readline (or the NetBSD version on Mac OS X), then you can configure with the --enable-readline and then thraxrewrite-tester support inline editing of input and saving of history. You can specify the history file (defaults to .rewrite-tester-history) with the flag --history_file.

The optional argument --noutput specifies the number of desired outputs.

The optional argument --show_details is useful if you give more than one argument to the --rules flag (e.g. --rules=FST1,FST2,FST3). It will show the result after each transducer, which can be useful for debugging.

Another useful tool is thraxrandom-generator, with arguments --far and --rules and optional argument --noutput. This generates noutput outputs randomly from the rule. Note that this will not produce meaningful results with pushdown transducer (PDT) rules.

Specific Details

Each source file should have the extension .grm. The compiler compiles each source file to a single FST archive with the extension .far. The FST archive and the original source file then form a pair which can be used in other files.

Each grammar file has two sections: an Imports section, followed by a Body section consisting of interleaved Functions and other statements, each of which is optional. Comments begin with a single pound sign (#) and last until the next newline.


The import section consists of a list of import statements. An import statement looks like:

import 'path/to/file.grm' as alias;

This tells the compiler to first find the provided file and load from that all functions (from the second section, described below) and all exported symbols. The symbols (FSTs) are loaded from the compiled target FST archive (file.far) which must be in the same directory as the imported source file. After this, we can reference functions and symbols from the imported file using the alias. Therefore, if file.grm provides a function named foo. then we can call on that function using the syntax[...]. Note that an imported file may itself import other files. To access those functions and FSTs, we can just append additional aliases:



Functions in the language can be specified inline in a grm file. A function definition uses the func keyword, then a function identifier, followed by the argument list, enclosed by square brackets and delimited by commas, and then the function body, which consists of a list of statements enclosed by curly braces. In a function, a single return object (usually an FST) must be returned using the return statement. An example is as follows:

func UnionWithTriple[fst] {
  fst3 = fst fst fst;
  result = fst | fst3;
  return result;

To call this function, we can then use the function name and bind the arguments as one might expect:

export a_or_a3 = UnionWithTriple["a"];

A warning will be raised if one defines the same function name twice.

Note that a function may not reference a variable defined in the local environment. Thus the following is illegal:

abc = "abc";

func AddAbc[fst] {
  return fst abc;

Pass the variable as an argument. You may however reference variables defined in other modules. Thus if module "foo" defines "abc" as above, you can write:

func AddAbc[fst] {
  return fst;

We note one caveat about a trap that is easy to fall into. One might be tempted to write something like:

func MyFunction[expression] {
   return (expression @ operation1) (expression @ operation2);

where operation1 and operation2 are defined in the body of the function. No doubt the writer of the function would intend that the result be two copies of the original expression passed to the function, the first composed with operation1 and the second with operation2. This will not work since regular relations do not include copy languages (ww). What one will get in this case instead is an FST that will match two input instances of whatever expression matches, and apply the operations in question to them.

Alternatively, functions in the Thrax language can also be written in C++. To do this, one should overload the thrax::function::Function class and call the proper registration macros. This is easily done by following the examples of already-written functions in src/include/thrax, e.g.:

arcsort.h, cdrewrite.h, closure.h, compose.h, concat.h, determinize.h, difference.h, expand.h, function.h,
invert.h, minimize.h, optimize.h, reverse.h, rewrite.h, rmepsilon.h, stringfile.h, stringfst.h, symboltable.h, union.h

It is also necessary to #include your new header in src/lib/ and add a line that registers your function in that file in the obvious place:


The majority of the built-in functions (such as union and closure) are implemented in this manner. The libraries then need to be rebuilt.

FST Generation Statements in the Body

The other elements in the body are statements that generate the FSTs that are exported to the FST archive as output. Each statement consists of an assignment terminating with a semicolon:

foo = "abc";
export bar = foo | "xyz";

Statements can be preceded with the export keyword; such statements will then be written to the final output archive. Statements lacking this keyword define temporaries that be used later, but are themselves not output.

FST String Input

Basic string FSTs are defined by text enclosed by double quotes ("). (Note that raw strings, such as those used in filenames, are enclosed by single quotes (') instead.) They can be parsed in one of three ways, which are denoted using a dot (.) followed by either byte, utf8, or an identifier holding a symbol table. Note that within strings, the backslash character (\) is used to escape the next character. Of particular note, \n translates into a newline, \r into a line feed, and \t into the tab character. Literal left and right square brackets will also need escaping, as they are used natively to generate symbols (see below). All other characters following the backslash are uninterpreted, so that we can use \" and \' to insert an actual quote (double) quote symbol instead of terminating the string.

  • The basic way is to treat it as a pure byte string; each arc of the resulting FST will correspond to a single 1-byte character of the input. This can be specified either by leaving off the parse mode ("abc") or by explicitly using the byte mode ("abc".byte).
  • The second way is to use UTF8 parsing by using the special keyword ("abc".utf8).
  • Finally, we can load up a symbol table and split the string using the fst_field_separator flag (found in fst/src/lib/ and then perform symbol table lookups. Note that by default the separator is a space: thus you must (by default) separate symbols with spaces in your string. Symbol tables can be loaded using the SymbolTable built-in function.
      arctic_symbol_table = SymbolTable['/path/to/bears.symtab'];
      pb = "polar bear".arctic_symbol_table;
  • We can also create temporary symbols on the fly by enclosing a symbol name inside brackets within an FST string. All of the text inside the brackets will be taken to be part of the symbol name, and future encounters of the same symbol name will map to the same label. By default, labels use "Private Use Area B" of the unicode table (0x100000 - 0x10FFFD), except that the last two code points 0x10FFFC and 0x10FFFD are reserved for the "[BOS]" and "[EOS]" tags discussed below.
      cross_pos = "cross" ("" : "_[s_noun]");
      pluralize_nouns = "_[s_noun]" : "es";
  • If the symbol name is a complete integer (i.e., a string successfully and completely consumed by strtol() from stdlib.h) then instead of a temporary symbol, we use that number as the arc label directly. This can be used to explicitly specify arcs. For example, "[32][0x20][040]" will translate into a string FST that matches three space characters, the same as " ". This is convenient for representing Unicode characters that don't easily print. For example to get the ZERO WIDTH NON-JOINER U+200C, which has a UTF8 representation \xe2\x80\x8c, you can use "[0xe2][0x80][0x8c]".

Note that at present these temporary symbols will not be handled gracefully by thraxrewrite-tester.

Keywords & Symbols

A list of reserved keywords and symbols (and examples where appropriate) are listed below.

  • =: used to assign the object on the right side (most commonly an FST) to the identifier on the left side.
  • export: used to specify that a particular FST symbol (rule) be written out to the FST archive.
         export foo = "abc";

  • (): used to group an expression to be evaluated first, breaking normal precedence rules.
  • ;: terminates a statement
  • #: begins a comment that lasts until the end of the line (until the first newline).
  • .: used to specify that the preceding string FST be parsed using a particular parse mode.
    • byte: used to explicitly specify that a string should be parsed byte-by-byte for FST arcs. This is the default option when no parse mode is specified.
    • utf8: used to specify that a string should be parsed using UTF8 characters for FST arcs.
     a = "avarice";                # Parse mode = byte.
     b = "brackish".byte;          # Parse mode = byte.
     c = "calumny".utf8;           # Parse mode = UTF8.
     d = "decrepitude".my_symtab;  # Parse mode = symbol table.
  • <>: used to attach a weight to the FST specified. This should be after the FST in question and the contents are an arbitrary string (without angle brackets) which will be read as the appropriate weight type for the chosen arc.
    foo = "aaa" <1>;
    goo = "aaa" : "bbb" <-1>;

  • import: used to import functions and exported FSTs from another grm file into the current one.
  • as: specifies the aliased name that the imported file uses in the current file.
     import 'path/to/utils.grm' as utils;
  • func: used to declare and define a function.
  • [,,]: used to specify and separate function arguments.
  • return: specifies the object to return from the function to the caller. This keyword is invalid in the main body. Within a function, statements after the return are ignored.
     func Cleanup[fst] {
       return RmEpsilon[Determinize[fst]];

Standard Library Functions, Operations, and Constants

The following are built in functions with special syntax that operate on FSTs, presented here in order of decreasing binding strength. Within a level, all operations are left-associative unless otherwise specified. All functions are assumed to expand their arguments (to VectorFst) unless otherwise specified.

  • Closure: repeats the argument FST an arbitrary number of times.
    • fst*: accepts fst 0 or more times.
    • fst+: accepts fst 1 or more times.
    • fst?: accepts fst 0 or 1 times.
    • fst{x,y}: accepts fst at least x but no more than y times.
  • Concatenation: follows the first FST with the second. This operator is right-associative. There is also a delayed version which does not expand arguments:
          foo bar
          Concat[foo, bar]
          ConcatDelayed[foo, bar]
  • Difference: takes the difference of two FSTs, accepting only those accepted by the first and not the second. The first argument must be an acceptor; the second argument must be an unweighted, epsilon-free, deterministic acceptor.
         foo - bar
         Difference[foo, bar]
  • Composition: composes the first FST with the second. Using the explicit function name allows for option selection regarding the sorting of the input arguments. This function uses delayed FSTs.
          foo @ bar  # This option will sort the right FST's input arcs, exactly the same as would Compose[foo, bar, 'right'].
          Compose[foo, bar] # This way will not perform any arc sorting of the two input FSTs.
          Compose[foo, bar, 'left'|'right'|'both']  # This option will sort either the left FST's output arcs, the right FST's input arcs, or both of the above.
  • Lenient Composition (Thrax 1.2.6 onwards): ( Karttunen, 1998) leniently composes the first FST with the second, given an alphabet sigmastar, where:
          # LenientComposition(A, B, sigmastar) = PriorityUnion(A@B, A, sigmastar)
          # For example:
          LenientlyCompose[foo, bar, sigma_star]
  • Union: accepts either of the two argument FSTs. The delayed version doesn't expand arguments.
          foo | bar
          Union[foo, bar]
          UnionDelayed[foo, bar]
  • Rewrite: rewrites strings matching the first FST to the second. (AKA "cross product".)
          foo : bar
          Rewrite[foo, bar]
  • Weight: attaches a weight to the particular FST.
          fst <weight>

We also have functions that operate on FSTs that can only be called via function name. These are very easy to extend. See the above section on functions for more information.

  • ArcSort: sorts the arcs from all states of an FST either on the input or output tape. This function uses delayed FSTs.
          ArcSort[fst, 'input'|'output']
  • CDRewrite: given a transducer and two context acceptors (and the alphabet machine), this will generate a new FST that performs the rewrite everywhere in the provided contexts.
    • the 2nd (left context), 3rd (right context) and 4th (sigma star) arguments are unweighted acceptors
    • the 5th argument selects the direction of rewrite. We can either rewrite left-to-right or right-to-left or simultaneously (Default: 'ltr')
    • the 6th argument selects whether the rewrite is optional. It can either be obligatory or optional (Default: 'obl')
    • The designated symbols [BOS] and [EOS] can be used to specify, respectively, the beginning and end of a string in regular expressions denoting the left and right context.
      • Note that [BOS] and [EOS] cannot be used to denote beginning and end of string outside of CDRewrite.
      • Note also that one generally wants to use [BOS] only in the left context and, similarly, [EOS] only in the right context.
          CDRewrite[tau, lambda, rho, sigma_star, 'ltr'|'rtl'|'sim', 'obl'|'opt']
          CDRewrite["s" : "z", "", "d[EOS]", sigma_star]   ## ltr obligatory rule changing "s" into "z" before a "d" at the end of a string
  • Determinize: determinizes an FST.
  • RmEpsilon: removes all epsilon (label 0) arcs from the argument FST.
  • Expand: explicitly expands the provided FST to VectorFst (if the FST was already expanded, this just does a reference counted copy and thus is fast).
  • Invert: inverts the provided FST. This function uses delayed FSTs.
  • Minimize: minimizes the provided FST.
  • Optimize: optimizes the provided FST as described here.
  • Project: projects the provided FST onto either the input or the output dimension.
          Project[fst, 'input'|'output']
  • Reverse: reverses the provided FST.

The following are built-in functions that do other tasks. Note that thraxmakedep will construct appropriate dependencies for files indicated with these functions. See the compilation rules below for more information.

  • AssertEqual asserts the equality of the shortest path of the output of two transducers, returning either the output of the left transducer, or NULL if the assertion fails. Note that the compilation will fail if the assertion fails.This is particularly useful for putting sanity checks in grammars. See assert.grm in the distributed grammars file. E.g.:
         AssertEqual["dog" @ pluralize, "dogs"]
  • AssertEmpty is syntactic sugar: AssertEmpty[fst] is equivalent to AssertEqual[fst, ""].
  • AssertNull asserts that the FST is null. E.g.:
         AssertNull["dog" @ "cat"]
  • RmWeight removes weights from an FST:
  • LoadFst: we can load FSTs either directly from a file or by extracting it from a FAR.
          LoadFstFromFar['path/to/far', 'fst_name']
  • StringFile: loads a file consisting of a list of strings or pairs of strings and compiles it (in byte mode) to an FST that represents the union of those string. It is equivalent to the union of those strings ("string1 | string2 | string3 | ..."), but can be significantly more efficient for large lists.

If the file contains single strings, one per line, then the resulting FST will be an acceptor. If the file contains pairs of tab-separated strings, then the result will be a transducer. The parse mode of the strings may be specified as arguments to the StringFile function. Thus

          StringFile['strings_file', 'byte', my_symbols]

would apply to a file with pairs of tab-separated strings, where the strings on the left are to be parsed in byte mode (the default) and the strings on the right are parsed using a user-specified symbol table my_symbols.

An example will serve to illustrate:

rws@catarina:~/tmp$ cat foo.sym
<eps>   0
얼룩말  1
개      2
딩고    3
코끼리  4
rws@catarina:~/tmp$ cat foo.grm
foo_syms = SymbolTable['foo.sym'];
export foo = StringFile['foo.txt', 'byte', foo_syms];
rws@catarina:~/tmp$ cat foo.txt
dingo   딩고
dog     개
zebra   얼룩말
elephant        코끼리

The resulting FST looks as follows: foo.png

Starting with Thrax 1.2.4, a "#" indicates a comment from that point to the end of the line. If you want a real "#", it should be escaped with "\".

  • Symbol Table: loads and returns the symbol table at the path specified by the string argument. Note that the indir flag (found in thrax/src/lib/ is prepended (if possible) as the initial path in which the compiler searches for the resource.

Starting with Thrax 1.2.6 an optional third column may be used to assign a weight to a mapping:

dog   bone   0.5
dog   cheese   1.0  

produces an FST where "dog" maps to "bone" with weight 0.5 and to "cheese" with weight 1.0.

There exist also some potentially useful constants. In the byte.grm file, distributed to /usr/local/share/thrax/grammars, we have the following pre-defined FSTs, which accept what the corresponding is*() functions from C++'s ctype.h library accept. These are built to work with the byte-style interpretation of strings.

  • kDigit: single digits from 0 to 9
  • kLower: lower case letters from a to z
  • kUpper: upper case letters from A to Z
  • kAlpha: the union of kLower and kUpper (all alphabet letters in either case)
  • kAlnum: the union of kDigit and kAlpha (all alphabet letters in either case plus digits)
  • kSpace: whitespace (space, tab, newline, carriage return)
  • kNotSpace: characters in the range 1 to 255 except for the above whitespaces
  • kPunct: the majority of printable "punctuation" characters
  • kGraph: the union of kAlnum and kPunct (all printable ASCII characters)
  • kBytes: the entire byte range from 1 to 255.

Further Functionality

Pushdown Transducers

The PDT extension to the OpenFst library provides an implementation of pushdown transducers capable of handling context-free languages. Basically one defines a set of mated parentheses, and then constructs an automaton that generates strings of parentheses and ordinary labels. Algorithms such as Expand and ShortestPath determine when the parentheses are properly mated.

Thrax's interface to PDTs consists of several pieces. First one must define a set of parentheses. This one does by defining a set of symbols --- e.g. by just using them in an expression:

left_parens = "[<S>][<NP>][<VP>]";
right_parens = "[</S>][</NP>][</VP>]";

One must then define the mating between the symbols, using a simple mapping transducer:

export PARENS =
      ("[<S>]" : "[</S>]")
    | ("[<NP>]" : "[</NP>]")
    | ("[<VP>]" : "[</VP>]")

Note a couple of things. First, because of the way the PDT algorithms are written it is a good idea to define all the left parentheses together, then all the right parentheses, as we have done here. Second, the PARENS rule should be exported, since it will be needed if you intend to use the PDT outside the grammar.

Next one can define a set of expressions involving parentheses and ordinary labels. The simple grammar in the distribution pdt.grm defines anbn.

Note that if you want to compose PDT expressions with other expressions you must use PdtCompose. E.g.:

PdtCompose[sigma*, PDT, PARENS, 'right_pdt'];

The first or second argument should be the PDT, the other of the first or second argument an ordinary transducer, the third argument should be the PARENS transducer and the final argument either 'right_pdt' or 'left_pdt' according to whether the second or the first argument is the PDT. This allows for the correct application of compose, and appropriate treatment of the parenthesis symbols.

Finally, to use this in thraxrewrite-tester one must specify the rule and the associated parenthesis transducer (which must therefore have been exported, as noted above). Thus for the grammar in pdt.grm:

$ thraxrewrite-tester --far=pdt.far --rules=PDT\$PARENS
Input string: aabb
Output string: aabb
Input string: ab
Output string: ab
Input string: aaaabbbb
Output string: aaaabbbb
Input string: abb
Rewrite failed.

Starting with 1.2.4, ":" may be used in place of "$" to indicate pdt/parens pair, as a more bash-friendly alternative.

Multi-Pushdown Transducers

The MPDT extension to the OpenFst library provides an implementation of multi-pushdown transducers. MPDTs allow for coverage beyond context-free. An MPDT requires a set of sets of mated parentheses, one set for each stack, and a set of affiliations that define which stack each mated parenthesis belongs to. The underlying implementation in OpenFst supports multiple stacks, and in addition multiple stack disciplines, which control the ways in which the parentheses may be pushed (written) or popped (read). See the discussion on the MPDT extension page. The Thrax interface only supports the default configuration from OpenFst, which is two stack and READ_RESTRICT. This allows for copying operations such as those required to handle morphological reduplication.

As with PDTs, Thrax's interface to MPDTs consists of several pieces. To illustrate, we will work here with the example grammars in bytestringcopy.grm and mpdt.grm. The grammar in bytestringcopy.grm defines a push-pop discipline with a parenthesis associated with every byte value from 1 to 255. For example the push definition starts with:

push = Optimize[
  | "[2][2(1]"
  | "[3][3(1]"
  | "[4][4(1]"
  | "[5][5(1]"
  | "[6][6(1]"

After each byte value, an associated left parenthesis is pushed. Thus after byte value 6, parenthesis 6(1 is pushed. By convention we name the parenthesis here by the byte value 6, it's status as left or right (here ( for left) and the stack with which it is associated 1.

Then we define a pop-push discipline that pops right parentheses matching one of the previously pushed parentheses, and at the same time pushes a new left parenthesis onto the second stack:

poppush = Optimize[
  | "[2)1][2(2]"
  | "[3)1][3(2]"
  | "[4)1][4(2]"
  | "[5)1][5(2]"
  | "[6)1][6(2]"

Finally we define a pop discipline for the second stack:

pop = Optimize[
    (("" : "[1]") "[1)2]")
  | (("" : "[2]") "[2)2]")
  | (("" : "[3]") "[3)2]")
  | (("" : "[4]") "[4)2]")
  | (("" : "[5]") "[5)2]")
  | (("" : "[6]") "[6)2]")

In this case we insert a byte and match the equivalent closing parenthesis for the second stack.

How does this work? Imagine you read the sequence "abc". As you read each byte you will insert the appropriate left parentheses onto the first stack by the first definition above. Then, when you get to the end of the string you will pop each of those and as you do so, you will insert the corresponding opening parenthesis from the second stack (as in the second definition above). Obviously these will be inserted in reverse order. Then you will insert bytes, and the corresponding right parentheses which will be in the reverse of the reverse order, or in other words the same order as the original first-stack opening parentheses. The MPDT requires that the parentheses on both stacks must balance, and thus for each input string w, one will have an output ww.

This allows us to define a REDUPLICATOR as follows, where for efficiency reasons it it is assumed that one has marked the end of one's input with a special symbol COPYEND:

export REDUPLICATOR = Optimize[push* "[COPYEND]" poppush* pop*];

As with PDTs, one must also define the set of matings of the parentheses:

export PARENS = Optimize[
    ("[1(1]" : "[1)1]")
  | ("[2(1]" : "[2)1]")
  | ("[3(1]" : "[3)1]")
  | ("[4(1]" : "[4)1]")
  | ("[5(1]" : "[5)1]")
  | ("[6(1]" : "[6)1]")

And in addition one must define the stack affiliations of the parentheses:

export ASSIGNMENTS = Optimize[
    ("[1(1]" : "[1]")
  | ("[2(1]" : "[1]")
  | ("[3(1]" : "[1]")
  | ("[4(1]" : "[1]")
  | ("[5(1]" : "[1]")
  | ("[6(1]" : "[1]")

The grammar mpdt.grm gives several linguistically interesting examples of the usage of MPDTs, including partial reduplication and infixing reduplication.

Note that as with one must use the designated composition operation MPdtCompose, e.g.:

MPdtCompose[MPDT, fst, PARENS, ASSIGNMENTS, 'left_mpdt'];

The first or second argument should be the MPDT, the other of the first or second argument an ordinary transducer, the third argument should be the PARENS transducer, the fourth the ASSIGNMENTS and the final argument either 'right_mpdt' or 'left_mpdt' according to whether the second or the first argument is the MPDT. This allows for the correct application of compose, and appropriate treatment of the parenthesis symbols.

Finally, to use this in thraxrewrite-tester one must specify the rule, the associated parenthesis transducer, and the stack affiliations transducer, both of which must therefore have been exported. Thus for the grammar in pdt.grm:

$ thraxrewrite-tester --far=mpdt.far --rules=INFIXING_REDUPLICATION\$PARENS\$ASSIGNMENTS
Input string: kidongo
Output string: kididongo
Input string: fungus
Output string: fungungus

Starting with 1.2.4, ":" may be used in place of "$" to indicate pdt/parens/assignments triple, as a more bash-friendly alternative.

Features and morphological paradigms

Thrax version 1.1.0 adds functionality for more easily handling linguistic features and some aspects of paradigmatic morphology. The grammar paradigms_and_features.grm in the distribution shows a simple example of this functionality.


First of all, the support for features allows one to represent features, categories (bundles of features), and feature vectors (particular instantiations of categories) as FSTs. While one could do all of this without this module, it makes it easier since once one has defined features, one no longer has to worry about specifying the order of the feature values or of specifying all feature values.

To take an example, one can define a set of features as follows:

case = Feature['case', 'nom', 'acc', 'gen', 'dat'];
number = Feature['number', 'sg', 'pl'];
gender = Feature['gender', 'mas', 'fem', 'neu'];

Then a category 'noun' as being a collection of these features:

noun = Category[case, number, gender];

Then a particular noun form could be defined as

neu_nom = FeatureVector[noun, 'gender=neu', 'case=nom'];

Note that in the latter case, the order does not matter, and we do not need to specify a value for number: ordering is handled by the system, and for unspecified features it generates a disjunction matching all possible values of the feature.

Feature specifications get translated into simple 2-state FSTs that recognize only the disjunction of the given feature and its values. Thus for example,

gender = Feature['gender', 'mas', 'fem', 'neu'];

will translate into

0   1   gender=mas
0   1   gender=fem
0   1   gender=neu

The labels "gender=mas", etc. are added to the set of generated labels.

A Category is simply a sequence of Features, and is represented by an automaton that has N+1 states, where N is the number of features.


noun = Category[case, number, gender];

will become:

0   1   case=nom
0   1   case=gen
0   1   case=dat
0   1   case=acc
1   2   gender=mas
1   2   gender=fem
1   2   gender=neu
2   3   number=sg
2   3   number=pl

Note that the ordering is determined based on the lexicographic order of the feature. No matter what order we specify in the call to Category[], the order is always "case", "gender", "number". Thus the following are all equivalent to the above:

noun = Category[number, gender, case];
noun = Category[case, gender, number];

Category checks to make sure that each acceptor passed to it is a valid Feature acceptor meaning that it must have 2 states, be acyclic, and have arcs labeled with labels of the form "x=y", where all the "x"s must be the same.

A FeatureVector allows one to specify a set of features for a given category. The first argument is the previously defined Category acceptor. FeatureVector checks that the first argument is a valid Category acceptor, and that the other arguments are strings that represent valid features for that category.

Feature optionally allows the last argument to be a parse mode ('byte', 'utf8', or a symbol table). The default is 'byte'. This does not affect the parsing of the feature specification, but if you use --save_symbols then you will need to use this to make sure the feature acceptors have appropriate symbol tables for combining with other fsts.


The Paradigm functionality provides for various functions for building and maintaining inflectional paradigms, which are equivalence classes of words that share morphological behavior. Examples of paradigms are the declensions of nouns and adjectives in Latin, which fall into 5 basic paradigms defined by the endings used to mark case, number and gender. Within each of these 5 classes there are many subclasses, paradigm patterns that behave mostly like the parent paradigm, but differ in a few cases. For example, among masculine nouns in declension 2 the default ending in the nominative singular is "-us". There are however nouns such as "puer" ('boy') and "vir" ('man') that lack the "-us" ending in the nominative singular, but otherwise are inflected like other declension 2 masculine nouns.

The basic ways in which these tools are used is as follows. First of all, define a paradigm using regular expressions. Note that the paradigm should represent an acceptor:

decl2nomsg = sigma* "+us[cas=nom][num=sg]";
decl2gensg = sigma* "+i[cas=gen][num=sg]";
decl2nompl = sigma* "+i[cas=nom][num=pl]";
decl2nompl = sigma* "+orum[cas=gen][num=pl]";
declension2 = decl2nomsg | decl2gensg | decl2nompl | decl2genpl ... ;

Then we use the functions below to create analyzers, taggers, and to replace specific forms within a paradigm as for "vir" and "puer" above.

The first of these functions is Analyzer:

Analyzer[paradigm, stems, stemmer, deleter]

Given an acceptor defining a paradigm, another acceptor defining a set of stems, a transducer that computes the relation between stems and the fully inflected forms, and a transducer to delete grammatical info (e.g. features, morph boundaries) not found in the surface forms, construct an analyzer that will take any inflected form of any stem according to the paradigm, and return an analysis of that form.

For example if the paradigm defines forms as in the introduction above, and we have the stems "bon", "maxim" and a stemmer:

CDRewrite["+" sigma_star : "", "", "[EOS]", sigma_star];

and a deleter that deletes "+" and feature tags such as [cas=nom][num=sg] then the analyzer constructed here will map, e.g.

maximus -> maxim+us[cas=nom][num=sg]
boni -> bon+i[cas=nom][num=pl]

The next is Tagger:

Tagger[paradigm, stems, stemmer, deleter, boundary_deleter]

A tagger is just like an analyzer except that instead of outputting full analysis of the form, it outputs the form along with its morphosyntactic features. Tagger first builds an analyzer, then composes that with an additional FST that deletes just the boundaries.

If the boundary_deleter is instead a transducer that maps every inflected form to the dictionary form (lemma) of the word, then this becomes a lemmatizer. For example, in Latin 2nd declension masculine nouns, map all endings to "us":

maximorum -> maximus[cas=gen][num=pl]

The inversion of a lemmatizer is an inflector:

maximus[cas=gen][num=pl] -> maximorum

Finally, there is ParadigmReplace:

ParadigmReplace[paradigm, old_forms, new_forms]

Given an acceptor defining a paradigm, a (possibly empty) acceptor defining the old set of forms to replace, and another (possibly empty) acceptor defining the new forms. Perform the replacement of old_forms with new_forms. This is most useful in cases where we want to define a new paradigm that is just like another paradigm, except in a few forms. For example, one can define the replacement needed for "vir", "puer" (see above) by redefining the nominative singular ending:

decl2nomsgr =  sigma* "+" "[cas=nom][num=sg]";

Then one could do:

declension2r = ParadigmReplace[declension2, decl2nomsg, decl2nomsgr];

Replace Transducers

This gives an interface to OpenFst's replace class. This is useful if one wants to define an overall topology for a grammar, and then replace nodes in that topology with specific FSTs. For example, one might define measure expressions as expressions that take a number and a measure phrase. Then one could replace those high-level concepts with, say, the particular expressions of numbers and measure words in various languages.

The interface is lamentably as unintuitive as OpenFst's interface, but an example is provided in the distributed grammars (replace.grm), which hopefully helps clarify it. The discussion here is a slight simplification of what is in that grammar.

Replace takes as arguments first single string FST where each label corresponds one for one with the remaining arguments. This first argument serves to match up the remaining arguments with their specific function. The first symbol should be the root symbol, corresponding to the second argument, which should define the topology defining how the remaining arguments combine.

Thus consider the following definition (simplified somewhat from replace.grm):

     # This corresponds to "[ROOT]" in the replacement sequence. Think of
     # it as the skeleton onto which the flesh will be attached.
     "[NUMBER]  [MEASURE]",
     # This is a definition of numbers: it is the flesh associated
     # with [NUMBER].
     # This is the flesh associated with [MEASURE].

[ROOT][NUMBER][MEASURE] says that each of the following FST arguments corresponds, respectively, to the root machine, the number and measure machine. The root machine is defined as "[NUMBER] [MEASURE]", or in other words a number, followed by a space followed by a measure. The remaining two arguments define what number and measure actually mean.

Think of the first argument as merely providing a labeling for the third and following arguments, so that they can be correctly replaced into the root machine in the second argument.

Tips and Tricks

  • As of version 1.1.0, generated labels may not be single characters. This is to avoid confusion between, say, "a" with its normal (byte) interpretation and "a" with some other value generated from input "[a]".
  • Especially when using composition, it is often a good idea to call Optimize[] on the arguments; some compositions can be massively sped up via argument optimization. However, calling Optimize[] across the board (which one can do via the flag --optimize_all_fsts flag) often results in redundant work and can slow down compilation speeds on the whole. Judicious use of optimization is a bit of a black art.
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