Example Datasets and Results

Below are example datasets and results using the OpenKernel library. The results can be obtained by running the cross_validation.sh script with the indicated arguments.


dataset sample output


$ cross_validate.sh elec.list 10 klcombinefeatures "0" "--sparse --lk_alg=unif" lin "`seq -10 0`" "-s 3 -B -1" "" (sample output in cf_unif/)

$ cross_validate.sh elec.list 10 klcombinefeatures "0" "--sparse --lk_alg=lin1 --tol=1e-5" lin "`seq -10 0`" "-s 3 -B -1" "" (cf_lin1/)

$ cross_validate.sh elec.2-gram 10 klweightfeatures "`seq 10 16`" "--lk_alg=unif --sparse --features --offset=1" lin "0" "-s 3 -B -1" "" (wf_unif/)

$ cross_validate.sh elec.2-gram 10 klweightfeatures "`seq 7 13`" "--lk_alg=corr --sparse --features --offset=1" lin "0" "-s 3 -B -1" "" (wf_corr/)


$ cross_validate.sh elec.2-gram.reg 10 klweightfeatures "`seq 10 16`" "--lk_alg=unif --sparse --features --offset=1" krr "0" "--sparse" "--sparse" (wf_unif_reg/)

$ cross_validate.sh elec.2-gram.reg 10 klweightfeatures "`seq 15 21`" "--lk_alg=corr --sparse --features --offset=1" krr "0" "--sparse" "--sparse" (wf_corr_reg/)

$ cross_validate.sh elec.kernel.list 5 klcombinekernels "0" "--lk_alg=align" krr "`seq -14 -10`" "--kernel" "--kernel" (ck_align_reg/)


dataset sample output

$ cross_validate.sh ionosphere_scale_shuf 10 klweightfeatures "0" "--lk_alg=unif --features" svm "`seq 10 20`" "-s0 -t0" "" (wf_unif/)

$ $T/cross_validate.sh ionosphere_scale_shuf 10 klweightfeatures "0" "--lk_alg=corr --features" svm "`seq 10 20`" "-s0 -t0" "" (wf_corr/)


dataset sample_output

$ cross_validate.sh a1a_shuf 10 klweightfeatures "0" "--lk_alg=unif --features" svm "`seq 12 18`" "-s0 -t0" "" (wf_unif/)

$ cross_validate.sh a1a_shuf 10 klweightfeatures "0" "--lk_alg=corr --features" svm "`seq 17 24`" "-s0 -t0" "" (wf_corr/)

-- AfshinRostamizadeh - 14 Sep 2009

Topic attachments
I Attachment History Action Size Date Who Comment
Unknown file formatext a1a_shuf r1 manage 112.1 K 2012-07-25 - 14:30 UnknownUser  
Unknown file formatgz a1a_summary.tar.gz r1 manage 0.7 K 2012-07-25 - 14:38 UnknownUser  
Unknown file formatgz elec_summary.tar.gz r1 manage 2.1 K 2012-07-25 - 14:37 UnknownUser  
Unknown file formatgz iono_summary.tar.gz r1 manage 1.0 K 2012-07-25 - 14:38 UnknownUser  
Unknown file formatext ionosphere_scale_shuf r1 manage 99.8 K 2012-07-25 - 14:25 UnknownUser  
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Topic revision: r13 - 2012-07-26 - AfshinRostamizadeh
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