OpenFst Library: Contributed and related projects
This TWiki topic is meant for hosting projects or links to projects using or related
to the
OpenFst Library.
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Projects/Contributions using the OpenFst Library
- Categorial Semiring: Categorial semiring as described in Sproat et al. 2014
- Specializer
: Python library for attaching special matchers
- Bash completions for OpenFst: Bash completions file to suggest flags and values
- OpenFst for Windows: OpenFst library and command line tools for Windows compiled with Visual Studio.
- OpenGrm Libraries
: OpenGrm is a collection of open-source libraries for constructing, combining, applying and searching formal grammars including the NGram Library, the Thrax and Pynini Grammar Compilers, and SFST, a stochastic FST library.
: The Cambridge Statistical Machine Translation system
- Kleene Language
: Kleene is based on OpenFst but includes some features borrowed from the Xerox Finite State Toolkit; it supports Perl-like regular expressions, right-linear phrase-structure grammars, functions and rule-like notations
Speech recognition & synthesis
- G2P conversion with OpenFst: Grapheme-to-phoneme conversion toolkit utilizing the OpenFst library
- Kaldi
: Kaldi is a toolkit for speech recognition written in C++ and licensed under the Apache License v2.0. Kaldi is intended for use by speech recognition researchers
- OpenDcd
: A lightweight and portable WFST based speech decoding toolkit written in C++, providing a set of tools for decoding, cascade construction and hypothesis post-processing
Related/Historical projects
- FSM Library: a general-purpose software library for building, combining, optimizing, and searching weighted automata and transducers
- Lextools
: a collection of tools for compiling high-level linguistic descriptions into weighted transducers
- DCD Library
: software collection for decoding and related functions, designed for speech recognition and other applications.